My Mother-in-law had to get stitches yesterday. I was making mashed potatoes for the non-Raja Canadians for supper and asked her for some black pepper. She got out a small packet of peppercorns and pulled out her food processor. I wanted to tell her I only needed a couple and I'd just grind them up by hand but the language barrier prevented me and my translator was otherwise occupied- cooking us eggs. The blade broke and cut two of her fingers on her left hand. The peppercorns flew everywhere and I turned in time to see the blood flowing down her sari. I yelled for Raja and we went to the tap to wash it and see how bad the damage was. It looked so deep. Raja was arguing with her in Telugu. She didn't think she needed to go to the hospital, but she gave in and they left while I swept up the pepper with a little broom made of grasses tied together, crying my eyes out. My Grandma-in-law cleaned the blood off the floor with paper towels.
No one else seemed as upset as me, probably because it wasn't ALL THEIR FAULT. Now, all I can do is hope she heals quickly, painlessly and with no lasting damage.
The crapfest proceeded with Teja throwing up twice in the night. Her diet consists mainly of air, crackers and naughtiness so clean-up was minimal. But now she's got a case of di-di. We've done everything to protect our kids from this sort of thing, but there is simply no protecting Teja from herself. We only drink Coca-Cola brand bottled water while here but she helped herself to the tap out front when Ammon was refilling the bubbles container. I've given her pepto and immodium so she should be back to her old self soon or I might have to take her across the street to get an assessment. There are two doctors and two lawyers living in that house and they have offered us their services. So our legal and non-emergent medical needs are all taken care of! She said Ammon's monkey bite really is just a scratch from the monkeys nails (claws? talons?) and he will be fine. She put a little ointment on it. Let's hope this is the end of the injuries and illnesses for the rest of the trip, please!
Today I ate a rice and chicken curry dish with my fingers in front of a whole bunch of people- right only, remember because they feel lefty is for toilet-time- and I managed to not make a huge mess. I just about shocked the pants off Raja because last time I was here and a meal like this was served, I refused to try. Look who's all grown up!
If there is anything you're especially curious about, feel free to ask! The blogging will continue as long as this laptop doesn't die on me.
I am so proud of you! Eating with your right hand! Amazing. Keep up the good work!