Sunday, January 11, 2015

mostly animal pictures

Maya and the water buffalo calf that lives around the corner from her Grandma's twin sister's house. 

Forgive my photography. I'm still learning how the sun works.

It took quite a bit of convincing to get Vera to pose with the calf but they became fast friends .

The calf sticking its tongue out, posing in an amusing way for the camera. Next it does bunny ears.

Nope. Calf ears. And it tries to nibble Teja's shirt. 

So cute, I just wanted to take it home. Then quickly return it because I forgot I hate stinkiness.

The mama water buffalo was decidedly less cuddly so we kept our distance. 

Snack break! All the produce here is tiny and adorable! Granted, my hands are dwarfing them all the more, what with their extreme meatiness. All the better to slap you with, my dear!

We're used to the geckos all over the walls but this lizard was outside the house which is fine by me. 

The monkeys came back. The baby takes a ride for a bit before jumping off to make mischief.

These two were on our roof.

They made it so stinky up there. Raja thinks this one was the culprit because it had a nasty skin condition. Plus, look at that ashamed face. She knows she's a stinker.

They're on the neighbour's house too. It's for sale for 300k CAD. I'm thinking the listing does not include the words hardwood floors, granite countertops or an indoor bathroom. Yowza.

Another monkey trick. 

I spy with my little eye, something that could potentially carry rabies. 

This one is daring me to do something about it. I'll do whatever I want! It's a free country! I just can't hold my husband's hand in public. I'm not going to hold your hand either,  monkey! Forget it! 

Our niece and Raja's sister came to stay yesterday. Vaibhavi was less than two weeks old last time she came so it's great to spend time with her again. As you can see, she brought her A game to hide-and-seek, counting to eleven like a champ. Unfortunately, Vera was playing the lesser-known children's game "hide the balloon". The language barrier kept them oblivious for round after round of their respective games but they both thought they were winning so they had a great time. 

We all had such a fun day yesterday but now I've slept in! I've got stuff to do, man. This is no way to start a Monday. I'll have to do my workout tomorrow morning as the sun is already up. I can't wait to try out my new yoga mat! (Thanks Srinu!) But only hidden like a thief in the night. Peace out

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